When you hear the word “diet”, you immediately think of your physical diet. What kind of food do you ingest: ready-made, takeaway or do you cook with fresh and organic produces? How much do you eat? Are you overeating until you are full or do you chew slowly enough to notice when you are satisfied? Do you eat regularly or graze all day and drain your digestion? What state are you in when you eat? Don’t eat when you are upset, you cannot absorb anything. When in love and happy you can pretty much eat anything!
What about your movement diet? Do you include quality activities regularly in your day or week like walking, dancing, riding, swimming, yoga, tai qi, any sport you love. How do you know it is appropriate for your age and condition? You feel energized after it. If you feel tired afterwards, you have overused your energy, if you don’t feel anything, you probably have not done enough. Do you remember to connect with your body while you exercise? Are you enjoying it?
Are you aware of your mental intake? What quality of thoughts do you cultivate? Are you focusing on what you don’t want or are you visualizing what you want and getting inspired? Are you brewing disempowering old perceptions or beliefs that drain your energy? Do you notice what you say to yourself? How often do you focus on your strengths versus your shortcomings?
What do you feed your Heart with? What would say is your usual overall emotional state: joyful, curious and passionate, or do you indulge in worry, anger or anxiety? Do you notice when you get caught in unbeneficial emotions like jealousy or resentment? Can you access the desired emotional state you need in a specific situation?
How often do you nourish your spirit? Do you follow your heart? Do you know what gives you joy, what inspires you and what enriches your soul? It could be beauty, nature, music or special people.
How often do you take time to connect with your soul and Source?
As you see, an energetic diet assessment includes all levels of your being.
The healthier and more balanced you become, the more you enjoy natural foods, movement and life in general.
Start noticing what level of diet needs attention and adjustment and make ONE change TODAY!
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