We live in a fascinating transition period of history. 2020 was quite a challenge and 2021 ( Year of the Golden Ox)is our next opportunity to strengthen our resilience on every level, physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual! A weakened energy field from fear, overwhelm or frustration allows unbeneficial energies from our environment to contaminate our field; we also become more susceptible to react to other people’s low emotional states.
It is more important than ever before to take full responsibility for every aspect of our energy. For more than three decades I have trained people to become their own “Body’s whisperer”. Increasing awareness level enables you to be able to hear your body’s messages. Trusting your body’s innate intelligence allows you to act upon your inner guidance and stay on your path.
Living in an ongoing chaotic environment becomes an urgent invitation to stay connected to Source and be firm in the knowledge that you are protected, connected to your core authentic self so you can flow in rhythm with every life experience and explore new possibilities with others.
Remember to use all of your skills to clear your energy field from interferences ( old trauma, limiting beliefs, fears and toxins ) and choose consciously to practice gratitude, appreciation, so you can sense more clearly whether you are hearing or reading a true statement or a lie. We are designed to resonate with truth. Be mindful of being pressured into any decision. Do your own research, tune in and decide from your heart space what feels best for you. Cultivate curiosity, common sense, creative thinking, calmness of heart while staying fully connected to higher guidance.
Living is a balancing act, a colorful painting, an extraordinary original symphony! Know that you can restore balance at any moment, add a different color to any aspect of your life or sing in harmony with your group. You can transmute any energy with your intention.
No matter what the future may hold , trust in the benevolence of the universe and of your inner intuitive heart. Keep raising your energy and be like the eagle. That is the best gift you can give to the world!